HIGHLIGHTS: Improved Soundproofing (B166); Fuzz Burner System on Engine Lubrication; Emergency Floats (4Ea); Additional Anti Corrosion Protection; CVR/FDR SSFDR combi; Cabin Layout: 2+12 Seats
Dual Controls
Improved Soundproofing (B166)
Fuzz Burner System on Engine Lubrication
Emergency Floats (4Ea)
Additional Anti Corrosion Protection
White Tail Anti Collision Strobe Light
Total Fuel Capacity: 1,257 Liters
Cabin Upholstray
Cabin Layout: 2+12 Seats
ICS Team TB31 with 2 Control Boxes CP 1976
Transponder TDR94D-007 with flight Ident Cap N°1
Radio Altimeter Thales AHV 16
VOR/ILS Dual Collins VIR 432
Weather Radar RDR 2000
GPS Free Flight TNL 2101
CVR/FDR SSFDR combi (2Hrs CVR + 50Hrs FDR)
UMS Complement of SSCVRFDR
EGPWS MK XXI with TRA 45A ind
VHF-AM Dual Collins 422A
ADF 462
DME 42
HF AIR 100
PA NAT AA20-431 with 6 Loudspeaker
Max Gross Weight: 4,850Kg
Offered “As is” Ex-Works Asia
We offer the A/C with a Valid Export Certificate of Airworthiness
HIGHLIGHTS: Improved Soundproofing (B166); Fuzz Burner System on Engine Lubrication; Emergency Floats (4Ea); Additional Anti Corrosion Protection; CVR/FDR SSFDR combi; Cabin Layout: 2+12 Seats
“Airbus’ H155 – characterised by its long range, high speed, and quiet operations – is an enhanced version of the proven Dauphin family integrating the most advanced technologies available today.” (Source: https://www.airbus.com/en/products-services/helicopters/civil-helicopters/h155/h155-technical-information)
HIGHLIGHTS: Improved Soundproofing (B166); Fuzz Burner System on Engine Lubrication; Emergency Floats (4Ea); Additional Anti Corrosion Protection; CVR/FDR SSFDR combi; Cabin Layout: 2+12 Seats